Med Management and Therapy
Medication Management
Medicines are an essential aspect of the practice of Psychiatry. Often times being on the right medicine can mean the difference between just getting by and functioning at your best.
Through decades of study and continuing research, we have come to learn a lot about how medicines work and which medicines are safe and effective. This has led to the standards of treatment we have today that have helped millions of people all over the world.
That said, medicines are not a “one-size-fits-all” solution for everyone. Everyone reacts a little different and finding the right medicine for you is a team effort with your physician. It takes a level of trust, both in the process as well as in your provider.
In this practice, we aim to prescribe medicines conservatively. At the lowest doses necessary to address the chemical causes of illness, if any, and to achieve results. No more, no less.
While medicines definitely have an important role in treatment. For many, they are not the only or even the primary way to find healing. Our mental health issues can be caused by any number of factors from our brain chemistry to the people who raised us.
It makes sense, then, that counseling/therapy is an essential part of treatment. It helps us develop new skills and insights that can change decades of maladaptive patterns in thinking and behaving.
In this practice we make use of well-established, evidence-based therapeutic techniques as a supplement to medicines. Techniques used include Supportive Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
For optimal success, however, a dedicated therapist is often necessary. Dedicated therapists undergo specialized training in therapy, which is different from the training psychiatrists receive.